では、良質なセーターとはどういうものなのか? それは、厳選された良い素材を使い、丁寧に編み、多様化する現代人の生活に合うようにデザインされているセーターです。そういう良質なセーターは、前述の通りなかなか見つけることが難しく、どうしても世界の有名ブランドの製品の宣伝力には勝てず日の目を浴びることが少なかったのです。
The Launching of 30/70 trenta settanta
The sweater was invented in a place with a cold climate to protect people from cold weather. The Scottish fisherman’s sweater, as the name suggests, is known to have been commonly worn by fishermen in Scotland since the 15th century. The modern sweater first appeared in the 1880’s. As sports such as yachting, football, cycling, and tennis became popular, sweaters were worn by those who enjoyed such sports because they are warm, light, soft and comfortable to wear, and are made of wool that helps release sweat. Surprisingly, many of these sweaters were black turtlenecks.
On a separate note, today, sweaters come in a wide range of colors, materials, designs, and sizes, and are manufactured by many different companies worldwide. There is a plethora of sweaters around us. Different people wear different sweaters for different purposes. Unless you are an expert, it is truly difficult to find a good quality sweater among the multitude of choices available.
What is a good quality sweater? It is made of carefully selected quality materials, delicately knitted, and designed to accommodate the diverse lifestyle needs of today’s consumers. As I mentioned before, such sweaters are difficult to find, and have not been given as much recognition as those manufactured by world-famous brands, which have more effective marketing tactics.
However, in Japan there is a manufacturer of quality sweaters, Daiichi Knit Marketing (DKM) located in Niigata. It has been admired by the manufacturers of world-famous brands. I had a memorable opportunity to visit the factory in Niigata, and was moved by the craftsmanship used in the making of sweaters, and the staff’s work attitude.
Consequently, in a hope to make quality sweaters like this from Japan known by people all over the world, and help revitalize Japan starting from the local community, I have decided to produce a new factory brand and launch it together with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Niigata office. The brand is called 30/70 trenta settanta, a sweater brand for men and women, using quality blended materials that are carefully selected.
The name came from the blend ratio of 30 percent cashmere and 70 percent silk, which has an excellent feel on your skin as soon as you put it on. In order to optimize the feel of the fabric, it comes only in plain black and not in any other color or pattern, making the design as simple as possible. The shapes are also basic, such as crew neck, turtleneck, V neck, and dress, all of which have long been popular among men and women of all ages. They are designed in simple shapes that fit well for everyone. Simply put, 30/70 trenta settanta might be the ultimate everyday sweater.
Today, the future is uncertain, and many values are about to change. Not only the environment or your own personal circumstances, but attitudes and values towards familiar things, including fashion, are also dramatically changing. We have shifted from the era of mass production and mass consumption, where we felt happy buying cheap, trendy clothes every year to replace older ones, and so owned many brand items, and have now entered into an era where we are content to own simple clothes that can be worn for a long time, and live with only items that are right for us, the owner.
It will be my pleasure to be able to help you make your life a little richer through 30/70 trenta settanta sweaters made to be worn for a long time.
Yoshimasa Hoshiba
『FORZA STYLE』編集長/ファッションディレクター
【プロフィール】『LEON』や『OCEANS』など数々の人気男性誌を手掛け、独立。株式会社スタイルクリニックを設立し代表取締役に就任。フジテレビ『にじいろジーン』、テレビ朝日『グッド!モーニング』、TBS『サタデープラス』、日本テレビ『ヒルナンデス』、テレビ東京『なないろ日和』など、テレビ番組のファッションコーナーでもおなじみ。FM TOKYOでは、ラジオ番組『SEIKO ASTRON presents World Cruise』のメインパーソナリティも務める。2013年、船旅を愛する男女誌『Sette Mari(セッテ・マーリ)』の編集長に。You Tubeのファッション番組BR.CHANNELファッションカレッジでは、講師を務めている。『干場義雅のお洒落の本質』(PHP出版)、『干場義雅の色気と着こなし』(宝島社)、『干場義雅が教える大人のカジュアル』(日本文芸社)、『干場義雅が語る女性のお洒落(ディスカバートゥエンティワン)』、『世界のエリートは知っているお洒落の本質』(集英社文庫)、『干場義雅が愛する究極のブランド105』(日本文芸社)、など、著書も多数。新聞、テレビ、雑誌、ラジオ、トークショー、イベントなど、その活動はメディアの枠を越えて多岐に及ぶ。現在は、動画を中心に上質なライフスタイルを提案する講談社のウェブマガジン『FORZA STYLE』の編集長として活躍中。2019年より 「ナイロン素材をメインにしたウェアブランド「 K-3B」のクリエイティブディレクターとして、2020年よりニット素材をメインにした大人の男女のブランド「30/70」のクリエイティブディレクターとして、またON LINEのセレクトショップ「MINIMAL WARDROBE」をOPEN。インスタグラム@yoshimasa_hoshibaも人気。
Yoshimasa Hoshiba
Editor-in-Chief of FORZA STYLE, Fashion Director
[Biography] After working on many of the popular male magazines including LEON and OCEANS, Yoshimasa Hoshiba launched his own company of which he is the CEO, called STYLE CLINIC Co., Ltd. He regularly appears on fashion segments on television networks including Fuji TV, TV Asahi, TBS television, Nippon TV, and TV Tokyo, and serves as the main presenter for FM TOKYO’s radio show, SEIKO ASTRON presents World Cruise. In 2013 he became the editor-in-chief of Sette Mari, a magazine targeting men and women who love cruises. He is also a lecturer at B.R. CHANNEL Fashion College, a fashion program on YouTube. His works are not limited to the media industry but extend into other fields, including newspapers, television, magazines, radio, talk shows, and events. He currently serves as the editor-in-chief of FORZA STYLE, an online video magazine for quality lifestyles published by Kodansha Ltd. His Instagram account @yoshimasa_hoshiba is also popular.